Original ACEO by established Cornwall artist Sujati, 'Moon Elf' is a mixed media work. It is the regulation ACEO size 2.5" x 3.5" and is presented on smooth cartridge paper backed onto strong card. This design is an original pen and ink drawing with (professional) artist's coloured pencil.plenty of TLC! Currently for sale in my etsy store CLICK HERE for more details What are ACEOs???? ACEO is the acronym for "Art Cards Editions and Originals". An ACEO is a small piece of art that can be defined by it's convenient 2.5 x 3.5 inch size. (Standard trading card size) ACEOs are VERY different from trading cards however, because they are CREATED and traded or sold by artists. All my ACEOs are absolute ORIGINAL pieces of art! (Some artists choose to sell prints of their work -'editions' ) ACEOs are created in any medium available in the art world. Artists are creating them in ALL kinds of styles and varieties. There are no rules limiting the artis...